Monday 25 December 2006

Christmas day

yes, I've got brief access to the internet again)

If you have spoken to me in the few weeks, you would have no doubt come across my dislike for Christmas.
I know alot of people have prayed for me that I will have a good one, so if you are one of those people, thankyou so very much.

  • Going to my mum's Church wasn't so bad (which was nice).
  • There haven't been any substantial arguments yet.

(Which is good)

I'm liking my new book that my manager bought me, The Blokes Bible by Dave Hopwood.

I have realised how blessed I am to have a manager that not only bought me a present for Christmas, but also got me one that is encouraging me in my faith. (cool huh?)

Emma (House mate) has also bought me Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven, but Nobody Wants to Die: Or the Eschatology of Bluegrass By David Crowder and Mike Hogan

I must confess, the first is easier to read. If you have read them both, this will probably give you a fair indicator on how little I actually read books.

So its also going quite alright.
I'm not in the sorry state I was in last year.
Last Christmas eve I told God that "if it wasn't for the pressure of family or my friends around me, I would have turned my back on you years ago." And with that I told him to leave me alone...its kinda painful to think about it now. Christmas day was awful, I've never felt so empty.
Where am I going with this, I'm not really sure. Maybe whats making me feel not so tip top is that last year I had a friend I could speak to about this emptiness, and now this year, it seems like I can speak to that person (and they are the one thats causing this feeling.)

I want to call them up, I would trade this feeling now for last years because at least I would know how it would pan out; with 8 months of just hanging out and it all being so perfect.

Much as I get on with my family, I'm craving to be around my friends, this friend, and I can't.

1 comment:

keef said...

right here for you mate!!!!

it aint an easy time of year for alot of people!