Monday 1 October 2007

what's new?

I'm sure there is alot I could write here but at this moment in time all I'm really thinking about is how I'll probably complain about something within the first sentence. See? Go me.

I'll get to the point, quite a few months ago my dearest mother (who I might add, I'm currently getting on very well with) dumped about 10 bags of my stuff I left at her house when I moved out. I was kinda miffed at the time and I imagine I blogged about it. Anyway, the other day I found myself going through all the bags and stumbled upon I book I once looked at but never read. Its called "When the Spirit Comes" by Colin Urquhart and it makes for interesting reading. Have I ever posted my thoughts about 'Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless mind" giving a good example of what 'religion' is? Bug me if i haven't. Anyway, the past, I dunno, how many months has got me realizing I wasn't actually living a life of faith or relationship, it was (and still is I might add) a life of routine.

"What is a Christian?"
The silence continued, but it was not such a peaceful silence as it had been. I could see from the faces in front of me that several were thinking "what a stupid question!" "What an arrogant question!" "We know what a christian is!"
"Would someone like to suggest an answer?" I asked.
There was still silence. instead of looking at me, people began to look down at their shoes. They were thinking - hard! I asked everyone for a reply. most were farily predictable:
"A Christian is someone who believes in God."
"A Christian is someone who goes to church."
"A Christian is a good person."
"A Christian is someone who has faith."
"A Christian is someone who helps other people."
When everyone has spoken, I was obviously expected to give my answer. I only pointed out that we all seemed to have our own opinions.
"As far as I can see, they are not worth very much. Only God's opinion matters. What is His idea of a Christian? We had better find that out. All out answers tonight have been about what we can do for god. I believe that a christian is someone who allows God to do something for him."
So, i'm reading this book to find out what happened next.

The blurb says:
" When the Reverend Colin Urquhart began his ministry as parish priest of St. Hugh's near Luton, on a large housing estate, he knew from the experience of his predecessors that life would be tough.

Within four years, however his church has changed beyond recognition as the members found themselves witnessing miracles of healing, and establishing new relationships with one another, as God gave them a remarkable vision of love, community ans service."
I'm intrigued. Hillsongs wasn't even invented when this book was written (1974). The meetings started with 15 people, not 22,000. There was no hype, no loud guitars, no lights just prayer. It seems authentic to me. Something I want. The only problem I can see in all of this is I'm a rather lazy chap, a relationship with God is something I want, but the question is "do I really want one?" Can I really be bothered? I'm just being honest.

Its good to be back.

1 comment:

sparkles said...

I know the feeling of wanting it, but do I really want it....

I vaguely remember reading that book at a 24/7 prayer event at the Salvation army years ago - potentially before I was a Christian. It inspired me.