Thursday, 1 January 2009

Looking forward

2008 has been interesting for me, full of firsts and new experiences; heres a quick rundown:

I walked out of my job
I got signed off work with stress
I was out of work more than I was in it
I started and finished a list of people I needed to get in contact with and apologise to.
I led worship at church (didn't blog about that)
I over came my fear of heights
I read aloud some of my attempts at poetry to friends
I went to momentum
I fasted and was blown away by the experience
I plastered a wall
I briefly met up with my dad
I became an uncle
I grew closer to my family and extended family
I looked in the mirror and felt fat
I dressed as an Elf
I saw Mel and Joshua
I started training with the Samaritans
I felt very 'up' in my relationship with God
I didn't have a relationship with God
I realised I want to be more consistent. I've felt 2008 was a time in which I have wondered and been beckoned back numerous time. I've been challenged and shaped, broken and buzzing

Oh wait, that reminds me! I got high. No really I did. Took some herbal high Hallucinogens, smoked some weed and then talked rubbish for a good few hours. I have a video that I'll probably upload sometime to show you how REALLY pointless it is. In the shower the next day I was like "ok God, I've got the whole 'what if' thing out of my system, thanks for letting me get though it without anything bad happening" then I went to work and realised I couldn't construct a sentence for toffee (which is unhelpful when working in a call center).

anyway, alot of stuff happened in 2008, I really haven't lived a year like it.
So what of 2009? Where to from here?

Well. I feel, in all of my wonderings, God's patience and then more wonderings, the stuff that has been delt with this year has been in preparation for the next part of life. I don't really know what the future holds, but here's what I want to do.

I want to get fitter, mostly based on the fact getting out of breath just running up to my bedroom is lame, but also my friend pointing out 1 Corinthians ch 6 v 19-20 "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."

I want get and keep a job I feel I can actually do and feel secure in.

I want to be consistant with this whole faith thing, to have a relationship I can say is about two way communication not wondering, patience and more wondering. I think I've been quite childish about it all really for too long. Time to grow up, take on board what has been learned and move with it.

I would like to pursue this worship leading itch and see where that goes.

In all of this though, God keep me sincer, keep me humble. Actually scrap all that before, God give me eyes to see and ears to hear what you're doing, help me want to go with what you're doing in 2009.

Oh wait, one resolution I do want to do, I want to live out my surname.
It sounds corny, but let my life motto be "Brave in battle, Brave in life".

Oh yes!