Saturday, 7 February 2009

few things

I think I might call Jorge tomorrow (aka Mr Garcia), I think I have finally clicked on a couple of things. I realized I just don't trust him.
Secondly, I think it's a bit odd he feels it wrong that I don't talk to him, but he refuses to contact his own niece. I think he deserves to know this, it seems only fair. If I do meet up with him, my intention is to state fact, say how I feel. I'm not interested in picking a fight.

I don't trust him, but I do trust my Father in heaven.

In other news, I'm back in contact with Mel. It's great to be catching up with a friend I've only seen a handful of times in the last two years. We're meeting for a proper catch up on monday. I've really enjoyed our text conversations recently, back to the ol' iron sharpening iron, it's good and exciting stuff.

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