Tuesday 25 March 2008


I'm quite pleased with myself that I've managed to embed the myspace music player into my blog template. It's quite simple really:

First get the web address of the music player, this is done using Adblock.
Click on the 'block' tab. Another window will then pop up, select and copy the address given.

Go here and paste "http://lads.myspace.com" where it says "Servername"
and the rest of the website address e.g "/music/musicplayer.swf?n=aHR" etc where it says "File Path" the click 'submit'. Copy the code that has been generated.

Click on the 'layout' tab of your blogger account.
Click on 'HTML/JavaScript'.

In the title write something like 'Music Player'
Paste the code in and click 'Save changes'


I'm trying to work out how to make it show a different artist every time you refresh the page, that may take a while tho.

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